Decomposition Book Large - Spirit Animal
Decomposition Book Large - Spirit Animal
Decomposition Book notebooks are Made in the USA using 100% recycled paper, soy ink and bio-gas. A new and modern take on a stationery classic - the Composition Book - they are a staple of writers and students. As the name suggests, however, Decomposition Notebooks are less about what they were and what they are, and more about what they can become!
The large Decomposition Book features college-ruled paper - 7mm ruled lines printed in blue, with an adjacent margin in red. The hardcover notebooks have 160 ruled pages (80 sheets) of unbleached white paper made from 100% post-consumer waste. The paper is stitched and the notebook is tape bound, so it opens completely flat and is really tough. The covers are heavy card and, inside, feature all kinds of witty, useful information and sketches.
Size: 19 x 24.5cm